181 PHP Rpm and Apxs

by darkfiz

182 httpd 2.2 and 2.4 and php

by ottuzzi

183 PHP-5.4 on EL

by fp

185 Memcached packages

by DarkSpace

187 Closed: PHP 5.4 / PHP-FPM in RHEL

by bicchi

188 Apache 2.4.1

by Spacedust

189 Closed: update ur package

by charlie101

193 Closed: PHP 5.3.10 (Several Bug Fix)

by alexgotardi

194 F16 PHP 5.4 segfaults

by michalkjp

195 (request) Clementine

by patrick013

196 Closed: Postfix mysql-libs conflict?

by wills

199 yaf pecl rpm

by adrian

202 Compile php-pecl-apc for zts [resolved]

by eric@footsteps.nl

203 Need nginx1.0.6

by cicku

206 debug symbols

by NT Man

208 Closed: mysqlnd used in php-zts

by dennisj