Topic: Warning lors de la mise à jour PHP 5.4.45 vers 5.6.14


J'ai un serveur CentOS 6.7 avec PHP 5.4.45 et Apache 2.2.15 qui fonctionne.
J'ai lancé la commande :

yum update --enablerepo=remi-php56

La mise à jour propose bien de passer en 5.6.14 mais lors du passage j'ai ces messages :

  Mise à jour   : php-common-5.6.14-1.el6.remi.x86_64                                                          5/34
warning: /etc/php.ini created as /etc/php.ini.rpmnew
  Installation  : php-pecl-jsonc-1.3.9-1.el6.remi.5.6.x86_64                                                   6/34
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: bz2: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: calendar: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: ctype: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: curl: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: exif: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: fileinfo: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: ftp: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: gettext: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: iconv: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Phar: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: sockets: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: tokenizer: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: json: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: zip: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: curl: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: fileinfo: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: json: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Phar: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: zip: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20131226
PHP    compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0

Quel est le problème ? Comment le résoudre ?
C'est un serveur de prod qui ne doit devrait pas avoir de warning lors de la mise en place.

Re: Warning lors de la mise à jour PHP 5.4.45 vers 5.6.14

Pas de problème c'est normal.
Changement d'API donc pendant la MAJ on est le "cul entre 2 chaises"

A la fin de l'installation si "php -v" retourne la bonne version sans message, c'est que c'est bon.

Laptop:  Fedora 38 + rpmfusion + remi (SCL only)
x86_64 builder: Fedora 39 + rpmfusion + remi-test
aarch64 builder: RHEL 9 with EPEL
Hosting Server: CentOS 8 Stream with EPEL, rpmfusion, remi

Re: Warning lors de la mise à jour PHP 5.4.45 vers 5.6.14

Merci pour l'info.

Par contre je n'arrive plus à me connecter au dépot...

Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 7 - "couldn't connect to host"

mais pas de soucis pour les dépots standard.

Re: Warning lors de la mise à jour PHP 5.4.45 vers 5.6.14

Pas de problème pour moi, problème réseau temporaire je pense

=> …

Laptop:  Fedora 38 + rpmfusion + remi (SCL only)
x86_64 builder: Fedora 39 + rpmfusion + remi-test
aarch64 builder: RHEL 9 with EPEL
Hosting Server: CentOS 8 Stream with EPEL, rpmfusion, remi

Re: Warning lors de la mise à jour PHP 5.4.45 vers 5.6.14

ok, ca fonctionne,
