35 PHP 8.0 CGI not working

by corpita

37 Closed: 503 when connecting to rpos

by vingram

39 libgd.so.103 missing

by pdvnl

40 Pecl-ssh2 with PHP 8.2.5

by Y0shimi

41 ImageMagick depends LibRaw

by Troubadix

45 php 8 with OpenSSL 1.1.1 on Centos 7

by 4NCmYBvUQuSmrJqZJXve

46 mosquitto support in PHP8.x

by TheWitness

48 PHP Dual Stack Problem

by Futureweb

50 Avoiding GRPC bug centos7

by timheilig

60 libphp.so 8.1 file

by acasado@ual.es