Topic: mysql 5.5 installation conflict.


I have tried to install mysql 5.5 from the remi, but its impossible. First it gave conflict error and then I followed some threads in this forum, and I installed all mysql packages. But when I start mysqld it fails.

What could be the error?

Re: mysql 5.5 installation conflict.

What could be the error?

No idea.

If you expect some help, you really need to give more information.
For example : distro, version, arch, installed packages, error messages...

Laptop:  Fedora 38 + rpmfusion + remi (SCL only)
x86_64 builder: Fedora 39 + rpmfusion + remi-test
aarch64 builder: RHEL 9 with EPEL
Hosting Server: CentOS 8 Stream with EPEL, rpmfusion, remi