Topic: How to create a wordrepss blog site?(Using Remi repo)

Well,first i should thanks remi for his hard work.

Now the problem in front of myself is how to build the website.

After I add remi repo to system's etc profile,I execute yum install nginx mysql php phpmyadmin and so on.

But i don't know where i can configure the phpmyadmin,you know i want to create a database.

and just one more question,how can i set my home page to wordpress?

Now my site's first page is epel's welcome to nginx.It told me /usr/share/nginx/html how can i change the nginx.conf in order for correct displaying?


Re: How to create a wordrepss blog site?(Using Remi repo)

phpMyAdmin is disigned to work with apache, so you need to configure nginx.

You could read the PHP-FPM and NGINX article I have wrote some time ago.

Laptop:  Fedora 38 + rpmfusion + remi (SCL only)
x86_64 builder: Fedora 39 + rpmfusion + remi-test
aarch64 builder: RHEL 9 with EPEL
Hosting Server: CentOS 8 Stream with EPEL, rpmfusion, remi