662 Requires: libgd.so.3

by markr74

663 Closed: Mirror request - rsync access

by Walter-Stroebel

664 Centos 7 - OCS - GLPI

by jean1971

665 Closed: Add latest version php_oci8

by vicgor

666 php-curl on Centos 5.5

by ticktockhouse

667 Closed: Update Ocs Inventory

by and1

670 php-55 and httpd-2.4.9

by msmithng

672 PHP 5.5.11 & ImageMagick

by blondie63

674 PHP using old openssl version

by spetursson

675 Closed: php-zts 5.4.29

by HosterSoo

678 ocsinventory-agent

by mke

681 Closed: Roundcubemail

by Pumpino

686 Closed: Problem with php-pecl-geoip

by eliwap

688 Closed: Problem with updating ImageMagick

by DocFraggle

689 Closed: Remi - EPEL clash

by subpardaemon