184 Closed: question about missing keys

by baialyn_the_cat

186 Closed: composer-2.0.2-1.el7.remi.noarch

by gemneye

188 CentOS 6 EOL on end of november.

by thomas@limitis

189 phpunit with php7x-php

by thinc

190 Closed: Install phpmyadmin with php 7.4

by zpel

191 PHP 74 php-zip package?

by rspence

193 Closed: Update php 5.3.3 to 7.3 - Centos 6.7

by naugui

194 Silly question

by phpdev1

195 Work is blacklisted

by Markolise

196 Centos 8/Plesk + PHP 5.6

by reachmedia

200 Closed: problem with update to fix version

by webox955

201 Install extensions PHP 8.0

by terabytesoftw

205 Closed: PHP ZIP (7.3 conflict with 7.4?)

by fredbradley

210 Closed: PHP 7.4 CentOS 8 and exec()

by eliwap