152 Closed: Thunderbird 24 for EL6?

by smowbray-hwu

154 ImageMagick / OpenEXR

by gemneye

155 php-pecl-apc in EPEL Repo

by artagesw

158 Closed: firefox 22 RPM, can't resolve deps

by groknaut

159 Closed: php54 software collection

by lp86

160 Closed: Firefox 21 no graphics on some sites

by amirul

164 Closed: Request: RPM package for php-wkhtmltox

by mudpuppy

165 getting curl 7.18 or higher on centos 5.8

by jjj0923 ( Pages 1 2 )

166 Closed: MySQL 5.6

by fst

167 Closed: php-suhosin

by angulion

168 Closed: patch for 5.4.12 srpm

by boingolover

169 Closed: firefox 19

by q7joey

171 Closed: thunderbird 11 very unstable

by flozano

172 Closed: curl(PHP) and GOST

by NT Man

173Moved: php-imap-5.3.6-4.el5.remi

by bodi

  • No reply information
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  • No last post information

174 New mirror

by zal1en

178 Closed: php-5.4.7-10 and php_value

by cpriest

179 Closed: A rather curious observation

by Brandon

180 Closed: new mirror setup

by jazzl0ver